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Membership Subscription / Yearly Renewal form

Membership runs from 1st July to 31st June

The Thorpe Camp Preservation Group was formed in 1988 with the following aims.

1. To acquire and restore and area of Communal Site No. 1. Tattershall Thorpe. LN4 4PE part of the former RAF Woodhall Spa airfield.

2. To create and maintain for the benefit of the general public, a visitor centre on the site and to record and display the history of the RAF Woodhall Spa and the units which operated from the airfield during World War II.

3. To record and display the story of civilian life in Lincolnshire during the Second World war with exhibitions recalling the Home Guard, ARP, Woman's land Army, etc.

4. To stimulate interest in the history of the Second World War in Lincolnshire by holding meetings from time to time

5. To co-operate with other groups having similar objectives and aims.

6. I / We agree to follow the Articles of Association and understand particularly section 3 on page 2 Limit of Liability

7. and agree that the Directors as appointed each year at the AGM have the power to make any decision they need to run Thorpe Camp and the preservation Group according to the Articles of Association, including changing the Policies and Procedures to suite the day to day running of the Camp.

Membership / Subscription Renewal Form
I have paid my Membership fee in

Please make cheques out to “THORPE CAMP PRESERVATION GROUP

Data Protection Act (1984)1998 & EU GDPR 2018

I agree that my given details can be held by the Thorpe Camp Preservation Group Ltd., and can be used to communicate information as required among the directors & Other members. That all personal information will not be communicated , given or sold to any third party. Information is stored on a separate dedicated hard drive held by the General secretary / Membership secretary. You have the right to request a copy ( in writing ), of all your information held by the Thorpe Camp Preservation Group Ltd. Your information will be held on file for a minimum of 1 year after your membership lapses, in case you wish to rejoin. For More information ask for a Copy of the Thorpe Camp Data protection Policy.

I have read, understood and agree to the Articles of Association (Constitution) and Policies and Procedures as amended from time to time. Signing and applying below acknowledges that you have read these terms and fully agree to them.

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