Membership runs from 1st May to 30th April
Please note membership will be £25 per member from 1st May 2025
With over 100 Members the Visitor Centre is
a popular place to visit.
Join us and get free entry anytime the Centre is open.
As a Member, you can also visit us on Wednesday and Saturday afternoons when
we are maintaining the site and exhibits.
Bring your painting clothes for a spot of decorating.
Download a membership application form below.
or visit us when we are open and join on the spot.
For an Application / Renewal form
Click and download the form below
Please follow the instructions below carefully
Application Form Data Protection Policy Articles of Association
Click on the image of the application form
print out the form
or right mouse click the image
and select "Save link as" and save it to your computer, open it from your computer then
fill in the form IN BLOCK CAPITALS
Select a photo of yourself
and sent it with the application form or by email to
Click the image and read the Data Protection Policy.
Click the Image of our Articles of Association and read, you will be asked in the application form to sign that you have read and understood the Articles
Send the application form + Photo and Payment
To:- Thorpe Camp Visitor Centre
Kelham House,
Tumby Woodside,
PE22 7SP