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WW2 Style Shop and NAAFI
( Spitfire Tea Room)

Serves Home Made cakes, Tea, Coffee, Soft drinks,
Chocolate. and Occasionally Home made Scones
The Shop has DVD's, Badges Tie and lapel pins
Flags, Coasters, Keyrings, Mugs and Replica ration books.
and many more items of Spitfires and Lancasters
well worth a visit for all your souvenirs
N . A . A . F . I
"Navy, Army, Air Force Institute".
The Navy, Army and Air Force Institutes (NAAFI) is an organisation created by the British government in 1921 to
run recreational establishments needed by the British Armed Forces, and to sell goods to servicemen and their families.
The "NAAFI" is a place for Refreshment where you can buy Food, Drinks, Souveniers and it is a place for social contacts.

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